Since the Corona-virus pandemic began, many companies are turning to video interview's as part of the hiring process. Video interviews can be a daunting matter for some, as it takes away an element of natural human interaction. Before this, you may have been considering elements such as 'reading the room', body language and first impressions. However, with all of that stripped away, how can you make sure your interview is just as successful? We're here to help guide your way through a pleasant video interview experience to impress your future employers.
1. Be aware of and prepare your surroundings
Although it is a video, your interviewer will still be able to see your surroundings and hear any loud or distracting noises. Make sure that the area that you're taking the call in is clean and tidy and that you have a quiet space with no distractions.
2. Avoid interruptions
Similarly to the previous point, be sure to eliminate any potential distractions, especially if you're in a busy home environment. Ask someone to look after the kids, turn off your phone, turn off the TV, ask a friend or relative to take the dog out. The last thing you want is distractions or awkward moments that could have easily been avoided.
3. Look the part
This one goes without saying really, and although the interview isn't face-to-face, it is still important to look clean and smart. It would be easy to keep your pyjama bottoms on whilst making sure your top half is smart, however, you need to be prepared for anything that can occur. What if you need to stand up to get something? Also, dressing smart will help to get you in the right mindset for the job.
4. Look at the camera
'Eye contact' still matters, so make sure you're looking at the camera when you speak instead of the screen. This will make the interviewer feel like still you're looking at them.
5. Make sure your internet connection is strong and that your device has battery
The last thing you want is for the video to cut off or lag. Make sure you're sat close to your router and your device is plugged in to your charger.
6. Finally, try not to overthink it
Let the conversation flow naturally as it would in-person. You don't want to sound robotic or awkward, so try to get yourself in to the mindset of a regular interview and treat it as one.